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[/frame]Most businesses with any online presence, along with bloggers and webmasters, are aware of the benefits that Twitter can have on your business. There are SEO benefits, marketing and promotional benefits, and customer relationship benefits to name just a few. Fact is that you’re business or website has probably been mentioned on Twitter – even if you don’t have a Twitter account for it. It’s important to know how often your content is being shared and discussed on the Twitter network, to see the traffic that comes in to your site from Twitter, to see the various tweets mentioning your content. This is where Twitter Web Analytics comes in, a tool that helps website owners understand how much traffic they receive from Twitter and the effectiveness of Twitter integrations on their sites.
Christopher Golda announced the launch on Tuesday, however mentioned it will only be rolled out this week to a small pilot group of partners, and will be made available to all website owners within the next few weeks.