Infographic: Why Learn Kotlin?

Now that Google has announced their official support for Kotlin as an Android development language there’s more reasons than ever to learn it. The new language was developed by JetBrains and runs on the Java Virtual Machine, and is steadily increasing in popularity. Plus Google has already announced that Android Studio 3.0 will feature Kotlin […]

Understanding PHP Constants

A constant within PHP is essentially an identifier for a simple value, and unlike a variable, the value of a constant cannoyt be changed after it is declared. By default a constant is case-sensitive; and most people tend to give constant identifiers uppercase names. To get started you will want to define a constant using the […]

Google, Mozilla & Microsoft Roll Out Support for WebAssembly File Format

WebAssembly, announced last year in June, is a phenomenal effort put together by the W3C, and backed by Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari browsers, to develop a binary format for web-based applications. According to the WebAssembly design guidelines, the new file format would allow developers to compile their “code” to a binary, which […]

Introducing TrumpScript – Donald Trump Style Programming

Sam Shadwell, a Rice University of Texas student, has written a brand new programming language which does everything Donald Trump style. The new language is a modified version of Python, and it will only do and output things that The Donald would do or say himself. Here are TrumpScript’s features: TrumpScript won’t run via root […]

Infographic: What Programming Language Do I Learn First?

Many people often ask me what programming language to learn when they get started – and that answer changes all the time depending on what the person asking me wants to actually be able to do. Generally I run through a series of questions to be able to make my recommendation – and luckily the […]

The 10 Things All PHP Programmers Should Know

The Internet as we know it was built by webmasters, designers, and developers who got their start thanks to a slew of free resources and tutorials that were available to them. This is something that I have always streamed to maintain with Rapid Purple – and it seems Josh Leskar and his team over at […]

Auto Generation of New Prospects in eLEAD CRM via ADF XML Emails

Earlier in the week I had to do a rather niche task with a local leasing company I work with. They have switched over to eLEAD CRM and as such wanted to convert all of their online lease quote request forms to submit to their new eLEAD CRM. This way requests from existing customers will […]

Adobe Announces Brackets 1.0 – An Open Source Code Editor

About three years ago Adobe quietly created Brackets – an open source text editor built specifically for web designers and web developers. Since then it has taken roughly 45 minor releases to finally bring Brackets to it’s first stable version. The editor blends visual tools into the editor, making it easier to design in code. Furthermore some […]

The Basics of PHP Classes and Objects

As you learned in previous tutorials functions provide a way for you to divide your program’s tasks into separate, smaller tasks. Classes and objects are somewhat similar in helping you to organize your program. They are used to create collections of related variables and functions, which can be used to more accurately represent real-life situations. […]


Much like WHILE loops FOR and FOREACH loops are meant to enable the repeated execution of a section of code. However, unlike while statements, for and foreach have features built into them to update the sentinel value for every repetition. So lets go back for a moment to our original example in the WHILE loops tutorial – […]

String Manipulation – Using STRPOS and STR_REPLACE PHP Functions

So we have substr and strlen PHP functions covered now – however there is alot more PHP can do out-the-box with strings. Let’s say we are storing the users full name within our database in a single column in the following format firstName-lastName. However on our frontend we want to be able to echo out the […]

String Manipulation – Using SUBSTR & STRLEN PHP Functions

Now that we’ve covered the basics of what functions are within PHP – PHP has a wide array of functions already available for you to use to work with various strings. So let’s say that we have a variable holding a user’s telephone number and we’re asking our user to input the last 4 digits of […]

The PHP Switch Conditional Statement

The switch statement allows you to simplify our previously written if…elseif…else statement by not constantly writing out the condition to check for. So, let’s take our code: And rewrite it in the form of a switch statement. This is how it works: First we have a single expression n (a variable in our case called […]

Understanding IF / ELSE / ELSEIF Statements

The majority of the time your PHP application or script will vary depending on different conditions. These conditions can be set via the script itself, or from user interaction – regardless your PHP script needs a way to handle these different situations. This is where conditional statements in PHP are introduced. PHP has several different […]

Webmasters Please Use Comments When Writing Your Code

The more times that I find myself helping somebody with a website that was originally built/designed by somebody else the more I have been running into a certain webmaster pet-peeve of mine. When your writing code – whether it’s for yourself or for someone else – comments/notes are pretty crucial alas they’re often overlooked by […]

PHP NG Enabled On All Rapid Purple Hosting Servers

Since I was already working on the PHP configurations for Rapid Purple Hosting servers, and since PHP NG has shown some tremendous performance gains, It seemed appropriate to enable it for developer use across all Rapid Purple Hosting servers. If you’ve never heard of PHP NG before, PHP NG was first introduced in May, 2014 […]

PHP 5.6.0 Released & Installed on Rapid Purple Hosting Servers

Just before the weekend the PHP team announced the official release of PHP 5.6.0. The new version brings about a slew of awesome new features with it, and some of you have already taken advantage of them through the early installs of bugfix versions of PHP 5.6.0 on the Rapid Purple Hosting servers. This install […]

Bing Makes Technical Searches Easier

As a webmaster chances are pretty high that you’ve ran some technical searches in the past. Maybe you were reading through our tutorial series on Programming in C and wanted to dig deeper into a specific function; or maybe you were browsing through some of the software in our Free Webmasters Resource Directory and wanted […]

Including Another File Within Your Script

Almost all online scripts and applications will feature a core library of variables and functions that get utilized throughout the script. For example, let’s say you’re writing a database intensive application. You could declare your MySQL details within each page of your script – however if you ever changed your password that would mean that […]