After the launch of SherWeb’s SkyNox online backup solution, the popularity of the server application began exceeding everyones expectations. The interest in the workstation version was not as important, but this came as no surprise since SkyNox features were primarily designed to meet the needs of small businesses. Feedback from current SkyNox users over the past few months of use has led to some great changes with the service.
- Simplified plans – Same pricing for license and usage. 3 simple plans instead of 4. One yearly price per plan. 60 GB, 200 GB and 400 GB.
- Reduced pricing – More value for customers. Incredible reduction. From $0.45 to $0.08 per GB.
- Same top-of-the-line features – Automatic, scheduled, incremental and faster backups, military-grade data protection, anywhere, anytime data access and recovery, world-class support and a lot more.