There is a great article circulating the interwebs this week discussing the Worst Passwords of 2013 – or more specifically the Top 25 Worst Passwords. The list, compiled by SplashData, is based on files containing millions of stolen passwords which have been posted online in the last year. Sadly this list goes to show just how many people still do not take their online security seriously enough and it gives me yet another reason to shamelessly plug my own password generator and remind you all how very, very important choosing a secure password is.
For those of you curious, here’s the full list:
- 123456
- password
- 12345678
- qwerty
- abc123
- 123456789
- 111111
- 1234567
- iloveyou
- adobe123
- 123123
- admin
- 1234567890
- letmein
- photoshop
- 1234
- monkey
- shadow
- sunshine
- 12345
- password1
- princess
- azerty
- trustno1
- 000000
I certainly get the weight of this article and the importance of having a good password, but some of the things on this list just had me laughing my head off. I can’t believe some of these are the Top 25 passwords! Letmein? Trustno1? Trustno1 would probably be password gold if it wasn’t being used that much. This all being said, and reaffirming that I do appreciate having a good password, I can’t help but hate my old university server for making me change the password on my account every sixty days with no opportunity for the reuse of any word or number. It drove me insane that eventually I did just resort to easy passwords simply because I used all the ones I could actually remember.
I would love to use trustno1 – I’m pretty pissed I never thought of it haha.