I often get asked a fairly common question: “how can I make money by blogging?” There are always advertisement programs like Google Adsense, Bidvertiser and Chitika – but is there another way? A more interesting way? A way that rewards you for doing what you love – writing blog posts?
There is! Services like LinkFromBlog, BuyBlogReviews, and SponsoredReviews, all offer to pay you for writing true and honest reviews. Earn money with your blog by writing legitimate reviews, offering your opinion on the goods and services offered by their advertisers. The amount you get for each post vary’s mostly by the popularity of your blog – the more readers you have – the more money you get. Quiet simple really – and it pushes you to grow and expand your blog rather than focusing on shoving as many ads as possible into the site and hoping someone clicks on them. Furthermore, since this is based on the total readers your posts get – this also makes writing false reviews just to get money fairly difficult – since your readers will easily be able to tell what’s coming from the heart, and what’s coming from the wallet.
Also keep in mind that each of the above 3 advertising programs can be combined with either of the above 3 review/post programs – thus putting you comfortably on you’re way to making some money from your blog.