Reports have been going around that up to 500,000 fake Twitter profiles have recently been discovered by researchers – which frankly doesn’t come as much of a surprise to me. While Twitter may have strict policies in place regarding the use and creation of fake accounts – places like Fiverr are still full of gigs offering hundreds of Twitter followers in mere seconds.
The point however that I wanted to make isn’t about the 500,000 fake profiles that have been located – but it’s that business owners should make an effort to steer clear of buying these fake followers! Remember – these are entirely fake profiles and will never actually benefit your business – even if they look like they are sending out tweets. These are merely bots set to send out pre-programmed tweets & interactions. None of these “followers” will ever see your tweets or turn into a customer. In due time these accounts will be located and deleted from the Twittersphere – and as such from your follower count. So in fact having a ton of fake followers is as good as having 0 followers.
Usually business owners look at buying fake followers because they have a new profile or are focused on follower count numbers. If you are looking for a way to start off a brand new profile on Twitter – focus on your close friends and family to help get you the first round of followers. These followers will go much further for your business than a fake profile ever can.
If you are simply focused on your follower count – don’t be. What means more to you – an online website that says you have 100 customers or 25 actual customers who consistently shop with you?
In the end – avoid buying fake followers on any of your social media profiles. Focus on interacting with the real ones you have, and use your friends & family to help out!