[frame align=”left”][/frame]Servage is a pretty straight forward hosting company. They run a plethora of powerful Intel Multicore processor servers with RAID protected Hard Drives and more than 20GB RAM per cluster. They maintain a 97% customer satisfaction rating and a 99.8% server uptime rating. And they offer 1 hosting plan. Seriously that’s it. Actually your only choice with them is the discount you want to get. 20% off or 50% off.
If you sign up for a 6-month payment cycle you can utilize the Servage coupon code [coupon code=”Servage SER20″ /] to take 20% off your payment. 12-month payment cycle clients can utilize coupon code [coupon code=”Servage SER50″ /] to take 50% off. Both coupon codes are set to expire August 31, 2014.