I had teased about the new PhotoDH website a few days ago over on the Rapid Purple Facebook page; and today I am happy to announce it’s finally live! PhotoDH, ran by Dzemo Halilovic, first came to me with a Flash based website that was put together many, many years ago. Back when Flash was the latest and greatest web tool. This was made evident by the inclusion of a media player into the website for … background music.

To be honest the design wasn’t bad; it was just dated at this point. Plus since it was Flash based; it wasn’t very mobile friendly. Furthermore this Flash design wasn’t fed by an XML file – meaning any updates and changes required editing the original .FLA source file; recompiling; and then uploading it. Furthermore there was no easy way to maintain a blog within the old Flash website; and as such PhotoDH had to run their blog in a separate location with a completely different look and feel then their website.
This all just wasn’t going to fly. PhotoDH needed a more professional online presence. They needed something clean, mobile friendly, and something that was easy to maintain and update. Most importantly the new website needed to keep the users attention and focus on the photography that was being displayed; rather than any background music that is playing or the changing background colors. Since PhotoDH already maintained a seperate WordPress blog outside of their website – WordPress was chosen as the base platform for the new website as-well.
Below are just some quick shots of the new, clean, mobile-friendly, website for PhotoDH. For a full breakdown of what went into the project head on over to the portfolio listing here. Or head on over to http://photodh.com and browse the new site for yourself!