Valentines Day Sale at IX Hosting

If you’re noticing an abundance of doe-eyed, lovestruck people walking around with heart-shaped arrows in their backs, it’s because Valentine’s Day is nearing, and Cupid is sniping people left and right like some kind of romantic assassin. Well, at IX Web Hosting they’ve decided to show their love for their customers by creating the Super-Cute St. […]

Leaks And Discounts at IX Web Hosting

There was talk of a leak the past couple of weeks regarding IX Web Hosting and and some new secret developments. I didn’t want to make a big deal about it until the company shed some light on the talks themselves, and on Wednesday of last week IX Web Hosting announced that a top secret document […]

IX Hosting Announces Future cPanel Based Shared Plans

IX Web Hosting has sent their partners an email about their latest updates with their redesign of MyIX – their customized online control panel for their customers. Well all the way at the bottom of this email – they mentioned they are working on releasing a new cPanel solution for shared hosting. While IX does […]