AWS is quickly turning into an extremely common solution – offering significantly more features than most VPS hosting providers, while also keeping the costs down. As such plenty of people aare turning to AWS for their online projects, starting from basic WordPress blogs – through to complex online applications. Through this tutorial we are going […]
Tag Archives: mysql
PHP/MySQL File Upload – Error Checking
A while back I had written a PHP/MySQL tutorial discussing how to upload an image to your server, and store the information about that uploaded image into your MySQL database. That tutorial covered really only the basics, and I knew that eventually someone would post a comment asking about some more advanced features – such as […]
1&1 Discontinues MySQL 4 Databases
[frame align=”right”][/frame]Hosting provider 1&1 is “deactivating” MySQL 4 databases starting on May 1st, 2013. All WordPress sites hosted with 1&1 that have not migrated their databases from the old database to the new MySQL 5 databases may have their sites go offline, however 1&1 doesn’t explicitly say the sites will go down. If you host […]
SQL Injections – A Powerpoint Presentation
If you haven’t noticed more and more web-related services have been getting hacked lately – and these aren’t small websites either. Infragard – an FBI affiliate, the CIA website and the FBI’s Detroit phone network, the threats and attacks on Unveillance, and ofcourse who can forget the Sony hacking that has went on. What the […]