Norton has introduced a new tool called Norton Top Search that lets you control the top search result for your name, for free. To change your top search result, all you need to do is pick a URL that you would like to pop up first when people search your name. The form to do so, found here looks like this:
Then the site asks you to verify your identity via Facebook. After that, you receive the following message: “Congratulations! Your online reputation is now protected. You will receive an email in a couple of days when your Top Search Result has been approved and published.” Whether that will be the case remains to be seen as currently this program is only available in Scandinavia.
How does this work? According to Norton: We do this by buying the rights to your name as a Google adword and giving it to you for free.
This will definitely be a great tool as it starts to be released in other Countries. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with the following video from Norton: