Today marks the one year anniversary of the start of the award-winning reporting that has revealed how the National Security Agency (NSA) was secretly invading the privacy of hundreds of millions of innocent people. Federal government senior officials lied and misled Congress, the courts, and the public, about the scope of NSA’s mass surveillance operations for more than a decade. We learned the truth thanks to whistleblowers and today Rapid Purple is proud to be a part of Reset the Net beside some great people and organizations like Edward Snowden, Google & Namecheap to name a few.

We have pledged to incorporate SSL as a default throughout the entire Rapid Purple blog by the end of 2014; as-well as actively promote secure tools. In-fact our Contact Us page is already protected behind an SSL certificate so the information you submit to us always stays safe and secure! We’ve also integrated a great little splash screen which you may have witnessed when you visited the site today.


Today, the public fights to take back their online privacy and reset the net! Visit, sign the privacy statement and pick up your “privacy pack.” If the government refuses to protect our privacy, the least we can do is protect it ourselves.

Published by Michael Boguslavskiy

Michael Boguslavskiy is a full-stack developer & online presence consultant based out of New York City. He's been offering freelance marketing & development services for over a decade. He currently manages Rapid Purple - and online webmaster resources center; and Media Explode - a full service marketing agency.

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