As Engadget properly noticed has redesigned their “Watch Instantly” section – making use of some of the latest features HTML5 makes available. To quote the Netflix Blog: “The title images are larger, there are more of them on the page and play buttons appear when you hover your mouse over the title images. Star ratings, information and other functions are available when you mouse over the title images. We’ve also made some changes to several pages on the site: adding more rows, and filling out the rows with more TV shows & movies, which you can find by hovering your mouse over the end of a row.”
Richard Lawler over at Engadget makes a great point though, “…it still requires an additional click to find out if a movie is in HD or has subtitles, a misdirected click starts playing the wrong movie too easily and selecting “your queue” still takes us to our discs first instead of Watch Instantly”. Hopefully these are UI changes that Netflix will look into implementing in the near future – as they have been hard at work at revamping the UI on many of their systems.