The Internet is still rather young – and it’s amazing just how far it’s come already. So much of our daily lives revolve around the Internet. We check the weather, message our friends, spontaneously buy things, check the traffic, pay parking tickets, and so much more. As such – it only makes sense that local government would want to focus on developing strong, Internet-based infrastructures to support their people. That means a solid city-wide broadband strategy, powerful apps for tourists and local citizens, and a modern and responsive city Website.
eRepublic’s Center for Digital Government decided to find out what the top digital cities are in American in 2015. Ciities were split up into four different categories based on their population level, and e.Republic proceeded to grade each city.
Firstly, let’s get out of the way the winners. The top-ranking cities for the four main categories were Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for cities with a population above 250,000; Alexandria, Virginia for cities with a population between 125,000 and 249,999; Avondale, Arizona for cities with a population between 75,000 and 125,000; and Shawnee, Kansas for cities with a population under 75,000.
What I really want to focus on is that Cambridge, MA – the place where the Internet was reborn, and where it took shape into the Internet we know and love today – didn’t even make the cut. My own hometown of New York City – didn’t make the cut. To be frank I didn’t expect New York City to make it – we don’t have much in terms of a modern digital presence. Most of our apps are rather out-dated and rarely updated. Many online services don’t offer mobile-friendly or responsive designs. But how did the place where the Internet came to be – fall so far behind?
For a full list of the Top Digital Cities In America go here.