Earlier this week Twitter announced the launch of Moments – something that I think is a tremendous sign towards where Twitter is heading – and I love it! See Twitter Moments is basically the answer to any Twitter user who has ever sat back and thought to themselves that things were just way too fast paced. Twitter Moments curates trending and popular topics & news for you, neatly organizing them by category and displaying them for you in a beautiful, media-focused, full screen display.
There’s more though. Let’s say there’s something that’s going on that really has the Twitter community going nuts. Interactions are happening all the time. Tweet after tweet, with mere seconds in between! The madness! How do you keep up! You follow the topic on Twitter Moments – and all those tweets now flood into your timeline. The beautiful part here is that once that Moment has passed – those tweets are gone and you don’t have to go unfollowing anyone to clean up your timeline because you’re already interested in something else.
For a detailed look at Twitter Moments and how it works check out my embedded video, and make sure to let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section!