About three years ago Adobe quietly created Brackets – an open source text editor built specifically for web designers and web developers. Since then it has taken roughly 45 minor releases to finally bring Brackets to it’s first stable version. The editor blends visual tools into the editor, making it easier to design in code. Furthermore some of your favorite features from other editors have also been implemented. These include multiple cursors, split view, theme support, and more.
The latest release also comes with a preview version of Extract for Brackets, which is a new Creative Cloud service that speeds up the process of pulling design information like colors, fonts and gradients out of a Photoshop file, and turning it into CSS.
Furthermore Brackets comes with Live Preview – a function which establishes a real-time connection to your browser and allowing you to iustantly see all of your HTML and CSS changes as you make them. Also you can see where your CSS selector is being applied in the browser by simply putting your cursor on it. It’s the power of a code editor with the convenience of in-browser dev tools. Check out how it works in the video below: