Everyone has to start somewhere, and while today’s pricing on hosting is far from what it was 10 years ago – there are still plenty of people and organizations that simply cannot afford hosting. I started off with a free hosting account, and chances are many of you have had one as-well. They used to be a great starting point, however over the years the quality of free hosting providers has severely declined. Most free hosting providers today are merely Youhosting resellers – where your website ends up on a crowded and slow server.

I aim to change that. If you’ve glanced over the About page, you know that Next Designs (where Rapid Purple evolved from) offered free hosting – so this is far from a new topic around here. As in the past, all accounts will go through a manual approval process, and it will require you to upload your website somewhere, or provide a detailed breakdown of what your idea/need is. Limited accounts will be approved each week, giving us ample time to launch new servers to maintain an equal amount of resources for everyone.

Free hosting accounts will be ad-supported, however not required. Alternative options are available, and for those who choose to go with the ads – no ads are automatically placed on your website. For further details check out the Free Hosting services page. However those who sign-up for the Rapid Purple Free Hosting Mailing List will be the first to be notified of any updates, and maintain first dibs on a free hosting account. You can sign up for the mailing list directly from the Free Hosting services page, for now is only linked to within this post, and the top notification bar – so I really hope those that truly require the free hosting for a legitimate reason get to take advantage of the early offer.

Published by Michael Boguslavskiy

Michael Boguslavskiy is a full-stack developer & online presence consultant based out of New York City. He's been offering freelance marketing & development services for over a decade. He currently manages Rapid Purple - and online webmaster resources center; and Media Explode - a full service marketing agency.

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