Live Edit Websites With These 3 Google Chrome Tricks

Not every single webmaster task involves the need for in-depth programming, or performing a major website overhaul. Often times updates are based on content changes, or minor visual tweaks. When it comes to changes like this – it’s usually best to preview the changes before deciding to make them live. Luckily Google’s Chrome browser has […]

Auto Generate Spam-Safe Email Links Using Javascript

Back in 2007 Greg Burghardt published an article on the now-defunct Geocities featuring an extremely creative way to automatically generate email links while keeping your actual email address hidden from spam bots/crawlers. In fear that this function would get lost I have decided to republish it here on the Rapid Purple blog. First off – some […]

Hello Scratchpad – A Real Time, Online HTML/CSS Renderer

I was doing some browsing, well Stumbling to be exact, and came upon a great new site called Scratchpad. Developed by Nathan Bashaw, Scratchpad serves as a great place to experiment and play around with your HTML, CSS and even Javascript. You get a dual-pane view; you’re code on one side, and a live render of […]

Night & Day Detection

If we assume that people’s interests vary according to the time of day, your website might be well served by promoting different kinds of content depending on whether its day or night. For example lets say we have two articles, one about the sun eventually burning out, and one about the Hale-Bopp comet. We can […]