As a business owner it’s often difficult to get started with a PPC advertising campaign. Google AdWords offers alot of different targeting and remarketing options which can feel rather daunting at first. As you progress through your campaigns, the constant monitoring and tweaking can feel rather tedious, especially if you don’t have the budget to hire a dedicated marketing agency to handle your campaigns. As such many small-medium sized business owners minimize their spend on Google AdWords campaigns, and Google wants to fix this. Introducing Smart Display Ads.

Smart Display Ads take care of most of the work involved in setting up a new AdWords campaign. You simply supply a campaign budget, your target CPA (Cost-Per-Action), and a few ad-resources. Google AdWords takes care of everything else – automatically creating your ads and setting the targeting to try to achieve the most conversions within your set budget & CPA. Brands like Trivago, Hulu, and Credit Karma have successfully utilized Smart Display Ads during their beta test period. Furthermore current advertisers are reporting an average 20% increase in conversions at the same CPA.


Not everyone has it within their budget to hire someone to setup & manage their PPC campaign, and that’s ok. The  simplicity of the entire process with Smart Display Ads is perfect for this. It allows businesses to automate their PPC campaign, while still getting enough reporting data back to help improve their conversions. Plus the more you work with the AdWords dashboard, the more you learn.

Smart Display Ads are currently rolling out for all advertisers on the AdWords platform. Simply start creating a new ad campaign, set your marketing objectives (any non-mobile action will work), and look for the new checkbox to setup a smart display campaign.

Take note that your advertising account needs to have at least 50 conversions within the Display network or at least 100 conversions from Search ads in the past 30 days. Google can then utilize this data to essentially run your campaign for you!

For more info about Google AdWords Smart Display Ads check out the AdWords help database.

Published by Michael Boguslavskiy

Michael Boguslavskiy is a full-stack developer & online presence consultant based out of New York City. He's been offering freelance marketing & development services for over a decade. He currently manages Rapid Purple - and online webmaster resources center; and Media Explode - a full service marketing agency.

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