Easyspace.com have a number of coupon codes for March 2013 onwards, including one for their new website builder package – EasySiteLive Pro. To make things easier for everyone, most of these new discount codes below don’t expire until 30th June 2013. Before we get into the new Easyspace website builder, EasySiteLive Pro, let’s focus on some of the more basic hosting and domain name coupons.
To kick start things, you can get 10% off any hosting package utilizing coupon code [coupon code=”Easyspace EASYHOST12″ /] during checkout. If you’re domain name shopping – you can pick up a .CO.UK domain name for £5.98 using coupon code [coupon code=”easyspace-march-couk598″ /], or [coupon code=”easyspace-november-comdomain” /] to pick up a .COM domain name for £5.89.
[frame align=”right”][/frame]And then you have EasySiteLive Pro, on sale at 10% off using coupon code [coupon code=”Easyspace EASYPRO13″ /]. EasySiteLive PRO is a website builder which enables anybody to create and manage their own website. It doesn’t require any complicated HTML skills or technical knowledge to use. Instead it offers users:
- Simple drag & drop interface
- Hundreds of professional templates
- Add images & text with ease
- Ability to change content at any time
EasySiteLive Pro runs at £99.99 for the year, or £9.99 per month. Keep in mind there is also a free 21 day trial of EasySiteLive Pro – so you don’t have to take the plunge immediately. Plus since the [coupon code=”Easyspace EASYPRO13″ /] coupon code is good until June 2013 – so you have plenty of time to test drive EasySiteLive Pro and still take advantage of the 10% off coupon. To help you understand a bit more about EasySiteLive Pro, Easyspace has put up the following Youtube video: