I understand this sounds like one of those ridiculous spam hoax messages that get sent out telling you that solar flares are going to disrupt you’re Windows 10 boot sequence – and yet this is 100% true. Over the years various telecom and broadband providers have compiled reports to show the effect that Christmas-related electronics have on Wi-Fi performance. The most recent report by Ofcom, a British communications regulator, where they state that about 20% of poor Wi-Fi performance is related to various lighting used throughout the home.

Throughout the year there really isn’t much to worry about. Modern day routers generally fare pretty well with other electronic devices such as microwaves and baby monitors – mainly because you don’t have 100 microwave ovens between you and your router. However during the holiday season many of us bombard our homes with christmas lights, moving figurines, and lit up villages. All of this usually ends in a ridiculous amount of electrical cable loops all over the place – and all of that together kills you’re Wi-Fi signal.

Luckily we have some pretty good routers available around here, and the majority of you won’t really experience any issues with your newly decorated home – apart from that spot by the Christmas tree where you get absolutely no signal at all now. However if you do happen to notice a drastic difference in your Wi-Fi performance once your holiday decorations are up you have nobody to blame but yourself. Maybe now we’ll spend the holidays talking to our family instead of staring at our screens?

Published by Michael Boguslavskiy

Michael Boguslavskiy is a full-stack developer & online presence consultant based out of New York City. He's been offering freelance marketing & development services for over a decade. He currently manages Rapid Purple - and online webmaster resources center; and Media Explode - a full service marketing agency.

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