Fake followers has always been a bit of a pet peeve of mine – something I have talked about before. Over the past year Instagram and Facebook have began various clean-up campaigns. Working diligently to remove all the fake profiles from their social media networks. Twitter has now joined the fake profile clean-up crew, announcing the removal of over 70 million fake Twitter profiles!

70 million is a huge number. Amplified even more by the fact that Twitter went through those 70 million profiles over the course of just 2 months. That’s 1 million accounts deleted every single day of May and June! A great start considering Twitter has neglected their user registration process for quite a while.
What does this all mean? Well for those of you who bought fake followers in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, expect to see a substantial decrease in your Twitter follower count. For everyone else – little will actually change. Most fake accounts don’t have any real activity on the Twitter network – as such it won’t really have any effect on the tweets you see day-to-day.