We know that some things tends to be pretty annoying as a webmaster. Constant and repetitive coding of often the same functions, and for these situations we have collected, built and launched the following set of webmaster tools and online generators to help make you’re life a little bit easier. The webmaster tools are split up into several different categories to help make things a bit organized. The Misc. section contains various different generators to help with the miscellaneous side of being a webmaster. Focusing on the SEO, checking your websites load times, etc. The HTML/JS/CSS section features code generators to help make re-creating the same functions a bit easier. Lastly our Graphic and Flash section features webmaster tools to generate navigation menu’s, buttons, and more.
SEO & Social Media Tools
- SEO & Social Stats
– An online analyzer which quickly produces the latest SEO & social media statistics for a website.
- Robots Meta Tags Generator – Generate the proper meta tags to make sure search engine robots are doing just what you need them to.
- Meta Tags Analyzer – Quickly and easily analyze the meta tags used on your competitor websites.
- Meta Tags Generator – Easily generate the necessary meta tags for your pages.
- Word Counter & Keyword Frequency Tool – Count the total number of keywords, and the frequency of them within a block of text.
- Loading Speed Comparison – See how fast your website loads from our servers and how that compares to Google and Yahoo.
Format Converters
- HTML to Word Generator – Easily generate a custom .doc file through an online WYSIWYG editor.
- HTML to PDF Generator – Generate a custom PDF file through an online WYSIWYG editor.
- HTML to JS/PHP/ASP Convertor – Easily convert all of your HTML code to either Javascript, PHP, or ASP.
- Byte Converter – Quickly convert a byte to a kilobyte, megabyte or gigabyte.
- RGB to HEX Color Converter – Quickly convert RGB color codes to HEX color codes.
Misc. Webmaster Tools
- Redirect Generator (PHP, HTML, JS, ASP)
– Generate a variety of different redirecting scripts to utilize within your script.
- .htaccess Generator – Quickly and easily generate a custom .htaccess file.
- Lorem Ipsum Generator – Get exactly as much Lorem Ipsum as you need and never more.
- Domain Name Availability/Whois Search – Quickly see if a domain name is available, and if not who owns it.
- Text Splitter – Easily splits up large blocks of plain text into separate sentences.
- Email Extractor – Quickly extract all emails from a block of text or any webpage.
- Password Generator – Easily create safe and secure passwords. Why should you? Read this.
- ASCII Character Codes – A quick reference of the ASCII character codes and their associated symbols.
Button Generators
- Simple CSS Button Generator – Custom Buttons Generator.
- Advanced CSS3 Button Maker – A more advanced CSS3 buttons generator featuring shadows, gradients and rounded corners.
Navigation Menu Generators
- Fancy Navigation Menu w/ Description Generator – A fancy navigation menu generator complete with onMouseover descriptions and highlighting.
- Drop Down Go-To Menu Generator
– Easily create the script you need for drop down navigation menus for your web pages.
Online Code Editors
- HTML Editor – A simple online HTML editor for those quick changes.
- Javascript Editor – Quickly generate some of the more popular and commonly used Javascripts.
Javascript Function Generators
- Random Quote Generator – Quickly generate the necessary Javascript to display random quotes upon every page load/refresh.
- Countdown Redirect Generator – Easily generate a countdown redirect script that will automatically redirect you once the countdown reaches 0.
- Javascript Array Generator
– Easily generate a javascript array.
- Automatic Copyright Generator – Generate a bit of Javascript to make sure your copyright is always up to date.
- Javascript Image Slideshow Generator
– Creates a javascript based image slideshow that can easily be inserted into any website.
- Javascript Image Rollover & Preload
– Easily generate the necessary code to create a javascript based image rollover, complete with image preloading.
- FAQ Generator
– Create a fancy javascript based FAQ page for your website.
- Pop-Up Generator
– Generates the necessary code to create a custom pop-up window on your webpage.
- Custom Error Page Generator – Create a custom error page which will email you whenever it’s accessed.
HTML Function Generators
- Mailto Link Generator – Make creating advanced mailto links quick and easy.
- Meta Refresh/Redirect Generator – Quickly generate the necessary code to redirect your visitors to a new page, or refresh the current one.
- Open New Window Generator – Create the code necessary to open a new window, with full control over size and functionality.
- HTML Table Generator
– Quickly create multi-row and column tables, complete with header and footer rows.
- FAVICON Generator – Easily create a favicon from any image/graphic.
- Color Palette Creator
– Find the perfect color palette to use for your website.
- Email Signature Generator
– Generate an email signature for AOL/GMAIL/YAHOO/MSN/HOTMAIL.
- Logo Generator – Easily generate a Web2.0 styled logo out of any text.
- Graph Paper/Grid Generator – Easily create a grid or a graph, as large as you want, and in several different formats.
- IP Image Generator
– The Image IP generator is a very simple generator which will create a small image displaying the viewers IP address.